
Paris was the first stop on our itinerary. It was my second time in this city. The first landing was 43 years prior, and under very different circumstances. Now, I was here to have fun, see the sights, and enjoy myself. And I did, with one bit of a restraint!

Only a week, or so, before we traveled, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Well, it didn’t seem quite fair, having to pass up French pastries in Paris! Compounding the matter, the next stop was Berlin, meaning, no yummy German baked goods there, or in Weimar, not to mention, I wouldn’t get to taste those delicate, delectable pastries—for which Hungary is noted—later, on our stop in Budapest! No Hungarian plum cake, strudels, apricot kolaches, or savory pastries like I used to buy at The Hungarian Pastry Shop, on Morningside Heights, near Columbia University—the little storefront shop I frequented when my Gitiim was a toddler!

Ironically, on our first venture out on the town, in route to the Louvre, walking along Rue de Rivoli, what did we happen upon? Well, ANGELINA, of course! Like the young boy in my photo below, peering inside through the big glass show window, that was about all I could do, as well—stand outside, gaze in at case after case of sumptuous, artfully crafted delights, and pine for what I was missing out on.

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Main courtyard (Cour Napoleon), the Louvre

Main courtyard (Cour Napoleon), the Louvre

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